I am Dutch, born and raised in Amsterdam, speaking French, English and Greek. I lived 7 years in Syros, Greece, the capital of the Cycladec Islands. I started teaching yoga in 2009 in combination with sailing in Greece, but my practice started a longtime before that, 23 years ago at the Iyengar Institute in Amsterdam, where I practiced for 5 years. After that I shifted towards Therapeutic Stretching and Hatha.
Currently I teach Hatha, Yin, Yin/Yang flow, restorative yoga and guided meditations at the studio Youcanyoga in Amsterdam. In addition, I teach private lessons in different locations. See schedule.
Recently I finished a Yin teacher training as well as a Mindfulness teacher training and received level 1 Physiotherapy ‘Be Activated’ in Edinburgh. I start and finish each lesson with a meditation. With these qualifications my focus is on deep stretching combined with breathing to unblock physical imbalances. I enjoy giving personal attention to each individual attending my classes.
I also teach Mindfulness training MBSR (Mindful Based Stress Reduction), workshops in VU/Griffioen and buurtsalon Jeltje.